
The VictorySharedEvents wrapper coordinates events between its child components. Specify a set of events on the VictorySharedEvents wrapper to target children. VictoryChart, VictoryGroup, and VictoryStack all use VictorySharedEvents, but it may also be used on its own.


type: array[element]

VictorySharedEvents renders an array of children with new sharedEvents props which define a set of events, and a shared state accessor.


type: array[object]

The events prop takes an array of event objects. Event objects are composed of a target, an eventKey, a childName and eventHandlers. Targets may be any valid style namespace for a given component, so "data" and "labels" are valid targets for this components like VictoryBar. eventKey may be given as a single value, or as an array of values to specify individual targets. If eventKey is not specified, the given eventHandlers will be attached to all elements of the specified target type. The childName property may be given as a string or an array of strings to target multiple children. The eventHandlers object should be given as an object whose keys are standard event names (i.e. onClick) and whose values are event callbacks. The return value of an event handler is used to modify elements. The return value should be given as an object or an array of objects with optional target, childName and eventKey keys for specifying the element(s) to be modified, and a mutation key whose value is a function. The target and eventKey keys will default to those corresponding to the element the event handler was attached to. The mutation function will be called with the calculated props for each element that should be modified (i.e. a bar label), and the object returned from the mutation function will override the props of that element via object assignment.




type: string || integer || array[string] || function

The eventKey prop is used to assign eventKeys to data. This prop operates identically to the x and y data accessor props. By default, the eventKey of each datum will be equal to its index in the data array. eventKey may also be defined directly on each data object.


type: array[object]

Occasionally is it necessary to trigger events in Victory's event system from some external element such as a button or a form field. Use the externalEventMutation prop to specify a set of mutations to apply to a given chart. The externalEventMutations should be given in the following form:

externalEventMutations: PropTypes.arrayOf(
    callback: PropTypes.func,
    childName: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.array]),
    eventKey: PropTypes.oneOfType([
    mutation: PropTypes.func,
    target: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.array])

The target, eventKey, and childName (when applicable) must always be specified. The mutation function will be called with the current props of the element specified by the target, eventKey and childName provided. The mutation function should return a mutation object for that element. The callback prop should be used to clear the externalEventMutations prop once the mutation has been applied. Clearing externalEventMutations is crucial for charts that animate.


Note External mutations are applied to the same state object that is used to control events in Victory, so depending on the order in which they are triggered, external event mutations may override mutations caused by internal Victory events or vice versa.